Why Auto Insurance Premiums are Increasing

Allstate grabbed Georgia headlines last May with less than favorable news that one of their auto insurance programs would be raising premiums by an average of 25%.  This is much higher than what we are seeing within our markets, however, we are seeing increases by all carriers this year.  The most common or typical increase we are seeing is about 9 to 10%.  Given the significant premium changes, we wanted to share what is driving this trend through this infographic.  All of these factors may not be in our control, however, a few are such as the ever distracted driver.  How many drivers do you see every day talking or texting on their phone?  Be sure that you are not one of these drivers and be an example for your family and friends.  Whatever small part we can play to mitigate traffic fatalities and losses will help us all.

What can you do today to alleviate an increase you recently experienced?  Compare – Compare – Compare! With multiple markets at our disposal, we would love to help you find out just how much you may be able to save.  Contact us today!


Three Things You Should Know When Purchasing Boat Insurance

Purchasing an insurance policy for a boat isn’t always as easy as obtaining insurance for an automobile. Many insurers will not underwrite policies for boats. Other insurers want to charge an exorbitant premium for very little coverage. If you are looking for an insurance policy to cover your boat, keep the following three tips in mind as you comparison shop for the right policy at a price you can afford.

Minimum Coverage Isn’t Always Enough

Many states have laws on minimum coverage amounts; these amounts may not always be enough if an accident happens. Look at your overall financial picture and determine how much coverage you need to protect yourself in the event that an accident happens with injuries to other people and damage to property. Then select your coverage amounts and deductibles accordingly.

Types of Coverage Needed

Your boat is not the only thing that needs insurance coverage. You should purchase a policy that includes coverage for damage to property other than your boat, including other watercraft. You should also obtain coverage for injuries to yourself and others involved in an accident.

Cheapest Isn’t Always Best

Many people will select a boat or automobile insurance policy based on which policy has the cheapest premium amounts. This can involve exorbitant deductibles that can cause a hardship in the event of an accident. Select your policy based on coverage amounts and overall costs in the event of an accident. Don’t let the upfront premiums be your deciding factor.

If you are in the Marietta, GA area and you have a boat that needs insurance coverage, LG Insurance Group can help. Visit online to get a boating insurance policy with more than the state minimum coverage at a price you can afford. Then go out and enjoy your boat with the peace of mind that comes from having all your affairs in order.